As i read in page B1 of the NW Friday (Seattle Times; 10/08/2010) i see a heated political race between an incumbent state representative and a right-wing GOP smoothy (the kind of people whom hit below the belt and under the table). I can't help but wonder if it is all just 'stage-craft' to keep up appearances, between themselves, and keep others out of the race (tea-party people, for example).
For Geoff Simpson to have to defend himself amid terrifying charges of Domestic Violence (the standard type that would get ya disqualified from working for a living) and to be accused of this by his ex-wife/ mother of his daughter; just specificly right at election time is Absurd. If his wife is afraid of him or has been battered by him then she should have stayed away from him; especially if she (or him) was in fear. If she was really batterred then she must have Hospital/ damage records and thus he would be behind bars (or noted to be out on bail), and therefore really out of the race 9so that a valid gay dem or else a tea partiers could get in). Heck, I'm Proud of the guy for supporting a wife and for defending his relationship with his own Daughter. The wife says why would she lie; i'll tell you why she might and it pertains to the chellenger or opponent in the slated race.
The GOPAC people or the one's whom have run a slanderous and poor-humored ad against the incumbent have billions of dollars. They get money from Oil, from War mongers, from insider Lobbyists such as aipac and Boeing. His ex-wife (and daughter) could get a lot more money from them that she could eek out of a fireman's paycheck. And such Prostitution is what too many women do in life, everyday, that screws up hetero-sexuality for us real men.
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